What should we put in the aquarium?

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  • octopus: Requires salt water, might escape, but really cool and intelligent. Could be named Cthulhu!
  • Pirahna: lots of feces, might be hard to find, and might eat us
  • Betta (i.e. Siamese fighting fish): very pretty, supposedly easy to take care of [1]
    • Male bettas are prettier, but tend to be very aggressive towards other fish
  • GloFish: genetically engineered zebrafish which glow in the dark. Unfortunately, they're illegal in California. :(
  • Let's do Koi carps. They are beautiful, intelligent and very easy to keep alive.--Perona 16:34, 14 Sep 2005 (PDT)
    • won't the karp die if they are contained in a small space? like eagles, they were meant to soar to new depths! how about draining the water and keeping a giant snake instead / then you get the dual advantage of keeping pet rats which you get the thrill of killing daily :)
      • I'm pretty sure I've seen koi in smallish places before. Alternatively, we could give the koi wings and allow them to freely roam the lab. Or something.
        • No, koi will not die if they are in a small space. Pietro's large koi has been in his small office tank for over one year and it hasn't died, it's gone on a fish eating binge though. The koi has eaten 4 goldfish and 5 algae eaters.....put it in the lab aquarium.

Other remarks

  • Start with only a few fish for a few weeks, allow nitrogen bacteria to properly culture

