Software Documentation, Greg 2009
The Short Answer
cd ~/256/images makesift('~/256/sift/80x60',getcategories,0,1,'xy',[80 60]); makehist('~/256/spm/80x60/200',getcategories,15,15,200); makesvm(15,15,200);
Images → Features
cd ~/256/images makesift('~/256/sift/80x60',getcategories,0,1,'xy',[80 60]);
For Caltech256 this will take about 2 days, so you might want to
spread it across multiple CPUs. This is what the 3rd and 4th
arguments (i and n) are for. The ith file will be processed only if
This keeps multiple processes from working on the same files, e.g.
vision317>> makesift('~/256/sift/80x60',getcategories,0,4,'xy',[80 60]); vision318>> makesift('~/256/sift/80x60',getcategories,1,4,'xy',[80 60]); vision319>> makesift('~/256/sift/80x60',getcategories,2,4,'xy',[80 60]); vision320>> makesift('~/256/sift/80x60',getcategories,3,4,'xy',[80 60]);
The resulting files in ~/256/sift/80x60
mirror the file structure
of ~/256/images
, with each image replaced by a corresponding .mat
file containing SIFT features for that image.
Features → Histograms → Match Kernels
cd ~/256/sift/80x60; rand_seed(1); makehist('~/256/spm/80x60/200',getcategories,15,15,200);
This will use 15 train and 15 test files per category, and a feature vocabulary of 200 words.
You only need to set rand_seed
if you want the same randomly chosen sets of training and test files each time (reproducibly).
Corresponding 4x4x200 histograms are stored in
The Spatial Pyramid Match kernels are also generated and stored in
This last step (turning a hist
file into a match
file) can be done manually like so :
cd ~/256/spm/80x60; makematch(15,15,200);
but makehist
does this for you automatically after the
histogram file is generated. So you don't have to worry about it.
Match Kernels → SVM Results
A good way to look at the results over may directories is to use scansvm
. Possibly in conjunection with multirun
, e.g.
>> cd ~/101/spm/80x60 >> multirun('x=%d; cd(num2str(x)); makesvm(15,15,x); cd ..',[50 100 200 400],1); >> multirun('cd %d; scansvm; cd ..',[50 100 200]); ntrain ntest nword performance 15 15 50 47.9 % ntrain ntest nword performance 15 15 100 52.3 % ntrain ntest nword performance 15 15 200 53.9 % ntrain ntest nword performance 15 15 400 57.1 %
Features → NN's
You definitely gain some speed advantages running this on a multiprocessor machine. The nn search process is embarrassingly parallel, so if you run matlabpool
first you will gain an n-fold increase, where n is the number of cpus in your worker pool. On vision401
the below code takes about 4 hours to run using the matlabpool
, and 12 hours otherwise.
>> cd ~/101/sift/80x60 >> rand_seed(1); >> makenn('~/101/nn/80x60',getcategories,15,15);
NN's → Class Distances
Compute distances between each test image's SIFT features and its nearest neighbor in each.
>> makenbnn('~/101/nbnn/80x60',15,15,25); >> cd ~/101/nbnn/80x60 >> runnbnn(15,15,25);
When exploring the xyscale
parameter or some other set of parameters,
can be useful:
>> cd ~/101/sift/80x60; >> xyscales= [1 2 3 5]; >> multirun(' makenn(''~/101/nn/80x60'',getcategories,15,15,''teston'',''test'',''xyscale'',%f)',xyscales); >> multirun(' makenn(''~/101/nn/80x60'',getcategories,15,15,''teston'',''train'',''xyscale'',%f)',xyscales); >> cd ~/101/nbnn/80x60 >> multirun('runnbnn(15,15,%d);',[10 20 25 30 50]);