Pollen Notebook, Spring 2008
Jan 17
Changes to labelGUI
- There is a "Next" button which automatically jumps to the next image - Jim had to spend hours selecting the next image by hand each time.
- Sometimes the pollen grains are almost impossible to see so I implemented a new high-contrast mode.
Jan 15
Pietro reminds me that we need to document not just how classifypollen
works, but how th learning phase works too.
I'll write this in a more complete form but, for now, this is what needs to be run:
- Generate sift features for training set
>> cd ~/pollen/images3 % put test images here >> siftargs= {[48 48] 1.0 0.9 .1 [6 2]}; % this must match the values used at runtime in <code>classifypollen >> makesift(0,1,getcategories,'~/pollen/sift3',siftargs{:}); % convert images to sift features
- Pick training set and generate histograms and matching kernel:
>> cd ~/pollen/sift3; >> files1600= pickfiles(getcategories,1600); >> makehist(getcategories,'../hist3/1','1600_000_200',files1600,{});
The reason for using the above syntax is that the usual makehist
syntax, ie.
assumes that ntrain is the same across all categories. That was my usual approach in the Caltech-101/256. In the pollen dataset there are vastly different numbers of images in each category, which is why I'm using a slightly more "manual" approach by running pickfiles
to get different numbers of training images per category.
I've actually run 5 different instances of the above: 1 each of ntrain=1600,9999 and 3 each of ntrain=400. This is so that I can compare performance as a function of ntrain, but also so that I can try a "best 2 guesses out of 3" approach. But in practice you need only run ntrain=1600 as shown above - this is a high enough value of ntrain for good classification results.
- Learn classifier. This takes about 6 minutes for ntrain=400 and 30 minutes for ntrain=1600:
cd ~/pollen/hist3; hist= loadmat('hist',1600,0,200); [ctrain,cats]= file2class(hist.ftrain); makesvm(1600,0,200,'ctrain',ctrain,'skiptest',true);
For the impatient, here's a shortcut that does the same thing:
cd ~/pollen/hist3; pollensvm(1600,0,200);