Olfaction Notebook, Fall 2008
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14 December 2009 - Meeting with Pietro
Recapitulation of the systems
- System 0 - JPL hardware. 16 channels, 0.4Hz. Not fast enough to see the fine-grained behavior.
- System 1 - High temporal res USB-based 4-channel card. Sample at up to 100Hz with 22 bits signal. A piece of rag soaked with the odorant is placed in a small cup and slid under the sensor. The sensor is dangling in a paper cylinder. The odor is presented for 30s, then off for 30s, on again etc.
- System 2 - Same USB card, with airflow modulated by hand-squeezing a rubber bellows attached to a glass jar. The sensor is hanging inside the jar.
- System 3 - Sensor in a long-thin chamber with the puffing bellows at one end.
Oct 20 (Mon)
Lab Tests
Edgardo is starting response vs. concentration study, on the 2 new sensors he sprayed.
We will meet Friday to look at the results.
Equipment To Buy
Probably from Digikey:
- Thermistor
- Humidity sensor (what works best?)
- Data logger w/ temperature and humidity (so I can do tests on systematic)
- Problem so far is that none of them write non-proprietary files
- Oh well, get one anyway
- Sniffer
- Best options for modulating this?
- Can something like this be used to modulate smells, or the humidity, for testing purposes?
- Here's a multi-purpose gadget that could (conceivably) serve as a sniffer and a humidity modulator at the same time! Pretty cool. Do more research on this.
- This might make a good chamber for putting the sensor in and controlling heat and/or humidity?
Software Work in Progress (enose)
- Automatic software gain set working properly
- Replaces the not-so-useful hardware gain set command
- Visual feedback
- Writing up something in wxpyton now
- Really helpful for seeing, real-time, what's going on
Before talk need:
- Analysis of sensor data from Edgardo
- on/off
- variable concentrations
- Some (at least preliminary) understanding of systematics
- Temperature
- How does temperature change look in detector space?
- Humidity
- Best humidity sensor is probably the detectors themselves
- Calibrate for large humidity changes detectable by outside sensors
- Is this linear?
- If so, find a basis which rejects humidity? (temp too?)
- Temperature