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Conferences and Meetings

3rd Sicily Workshop on Visual Recognition Oct. 2006. (with PDF of presentations)


Interesting Stuff

On-line lectures

Internet companies with recognition software

Companies selling vision-based automation

  • Digital Persona: fingerprint recognition.
  • Mobileye: vision for automobiles.
  • Pittsburgh Pattern Recognition: face and object recognition and tracking.
  • Ooyala -- Where Alex and Pierre are working.
  • Libero Vision - Vision-based analysis of soccer games. Julia Vogel works there.
  • TinEye - Image-based searching. Serge Belongie created this account: and password mnpjhbnioeklt
  • Pixolu - Image-based searching.
  • Cellavision - Manufacturing systems for counting cells in blood samples
  • Noldus ethovision - Manuacturing systems for monitoring and measuring lab animal behavior

Face similarity

Equipment & Services

Cameras and lenses

Prints and posters