Heiko Dankert's Methods Paper 2008

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1. Introduction

2. Experimental Setup

2.1 Arena and fly handling

  • Geometry, construction, fluon, food, introducing the flies and letting them settle

2.2 Camera and lighting

(preferred implementation and good ranges)

  • Camera positioning,
  • position of the lights, brightness in lumens (use your camera's meter, that is good enough)
  • lens,
  • resolution (pixels per fly), quality of hte images

2.3 Computing

  • Acquisition card,
  • data rates,
  • storage,
  • PC GHz,
  • compression codecs

2.4 User interface

Here we have a user's point of view of the software. It allows you to describe what is the input and what is the output of each software module.

  • Loading movies into tracker, spitting out the coordinates
  • Loading the coordinates and spitting out the events

3. Tracking and feature extraction

3.1 Detecting the fly

  • Gaussian model of brightness for fly and background
  • Setting the thresholds
  • Handling multiple flies in the same blob

3.2 Measuring the fly's position and orientation

  • Fitting ellipse: measuring x, y, theta, A (from ellipse and from pixel count)
  • Detecting dot on fly
  • Detecting wings
  • Head-tail discrimination
  • Assessing the amount of measurement noise
  • Nearest-neighbor trajectory connection (and what you do when this fails)

3.3 Sources of errors

  • Reflections on arena's walls
  • Flies walking on boundaries
  • Flying flies
  • Jumps
  • Blur

4. Behavior detection and classification

4.1 Features

  • Primary features: x,y,theta,A,wings
  • Derived features

4.2 Classification

  • K-nn classifier
  • Acquiring ground truth

4.3 Behaviors

  • Lunges
  • Tussling
  • ...

5. Validation

  • Describe ground truth
  • Show ROC

6. Experiments

7. Discussion and conclusions