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May 11 : Are The Trees Balanced?
Iterative cascade:
Spectra cascade:
Iterative grouping (left) seems to produce a more balanced cascade than spectral clustering(right).
But that doesn't necessarily mean that performance is better as a function of testint time.
Iterative grouping:
viewgroups(conf,{c1{8}.cats c1{9}.cats c1{10}.cats c1{11}.cats c1{12}.cats c1{13}.cats c1{14}.cats c1{15}.cats})
Spectral grouping:
viewgroups(conf,{c2{8}.cats c2{9}.cats c2{10}.cats c2{11}.cats c2{12}.cats c2{13}.cats c2{14}.cats c2{15})
May 9 : Cascade Training
c= makecascade([],3,10,25,200,1:256,2,2,(1:9)/10,100,2,6);
On subsequent calls you don't have to keep re-generating the leave-n-out
confusion matrix, just reuse what you've already done:
c= makecascade(c,3,10,25,200,1:256,2,2,(1:9)/10,100,2,6);
Until you wipe it, we assume everything that is currently in the
cascade is correct and does not need to be regenerated.
Apr 20 : ICCV Challenge Preparations
- Routines to write (X means done)
- X
imcats256 : return all available categories
- X
impick256 : pick files for a given seed
- X
imread256 : read images as grayscale
- X
imshow256 : Display a group of images
train256 : find training kernel
test256 : find testing kernel
conf256 : construct confusion matrix
perf256 : compute performance
- Software documentation
- Train/test description
- Run for case of simple correlation classifier
- Create mailing group for contest
- Then add more routines
tree256 : construct confusion matrix with respect to a specific tree
tree1, tree2, tree3 : three different trees
- Put canonical file lists (10trials x4 categories) on web
- Run for case of pyramid matching
- Merielle
- Generate 2nd hand-made tree
- Generate WordNet tree
Apr 15 : Cascade Software
This time I'll try using
Lightspeed timing, and also
tree routines
from the Robust Control Toolbox.
New cascade routines will be divided cleanly between training and testing:
MATLAB Routines
Training |
- generates and trains a brand new cascade by creating a root node with
nodeinit and applying nodetrain recursively.
- add (or reference)
kernel , gtruth and images
- create
cmatrix and group
- use
group above to split off 3 new nodes 1/2/null
- run each of the test images through the cascade and find out which node it terminates in, for a given leakage value.
- generate the test fields below for a given leakage value
Data Structures
Training |
gtruth : ground truth claases for every training image
cmatrix : confusion matrix built using only training data (canonical indices), cluster this to create:
group : group assignments (1,2) for each training image based on cmatrix
time : number of seconds (cputime) spent in each phase
gtruth : ground truth classes for each test image
group : group assignments
guess : class assignments for every test image, which are ultimate compared to gtruth .
time : cputime (in sec) spent in each phase
ntrain , ntest , nword : where train/test kernels are located
Additional changes:
: uses probabilities instead of raw margin values. May or may not load match kernels from file each time. Combine ntrain,ntest,nword
into a structure or not? Make or may not
create svminit
which stores all the svm parameters: it is becoming cumbersome to keep passing these things around.
Functional Difference
One (possibly significant) difference is that we're going to figure out which training images
are support vectors, then only compute time to match those training images. How does the
total number of training images to be matched per test image vary with threshold? This is the
part I want to track carefully: just how many matches need to be computed.