Complex Features

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Main Issues

Interest operator

  • Interest operators are justified by the need to avoid duplication of features: the interest point provides an `anchor' so that we do not re-learn shifted versions of the same features
  • Jurie and Triggs argue for random sampling. But this may be due to the fact that common interest operators select for corners and points and forget edges.
  • Interest operators that select for points as well as for edges seem promising.


How do we avoid shifts?

  • Interest operators
  • Compex cell behavior: given a feature, measure distance from an image patch at a given location by computing the maximum of correlation (normalized correlation) in a neighborhood of the assigned location


How do we avoid duplication of features?

  • interest operator
  • shifts
  • learn metrics to make `related' features stick together (see Hinton's and Roweis' papers)


Learn correct metric (see hinton and roweis) using proper exemplars of what is `same' and what is `different':

  • Should use images of same scene taken under different lighting conditions to provide exemplars of same physical patch under different conditions
  • Same, use Moreels' database of features to get multiple viewpoints.

Stats to look at

  • Histogram of n. of patches that are captured by each visual word
  • Compare distance of patches from each center with distance of other centers from that center
  • Structure of each set of patches: how many principal components needed to describe the group?


Using bags of visual words

  1. "Representing and Recognizing the Visual Appearance of Materials using Three-Dimensional Textons". Thomas Leung and Jitendra Malik. International Journal of Computer Vision,43(1), 29-44, June 2001. PDF (Earlier in ICCV99]
  2. Weber, Welling and Perona ECCV2000 - Features used in constellation model
  3. Vidal-Naquet and Ullman - Nature Neuroscience 02 -- Fragments and mutual information
  4. Dorko and Schmid - 2003 (?) - Using histograms of visual words

Complex cell behavior

  1. Weber, Welling and Perona ECCV2000 - idea of shifts
  2. Brendan J. Frey, Nebojsa Jojic: Fast, Large-Scale Transformation-Invariant Clustering. NIPS 2001 - 721-727
  3. Rómer Rosales, Kannan Achan, Brendan J. Frey: Learning to cluster using local neighborhood structure. ICML 2004

Random sampling vs interest operators

  1. FeiFei and Perona, CVPR05
  2. Frédéric Jurie and Bill Triggs, Creating Efficient Codebooks for Visual Recognition, Int. Conference on Computer Vision , 2005 PDF


  1. Salakhutdinov, R. R. and Hinton, G. E. Learning a Nonlinear Embedding by Preserving Class Neighbourhood Structure. PDF